Here at S.H.A.P.E. we have qualified trainers and coaches ready to help you reach your fitness goals. We have a wide array of specialties that can meet all your fitness needs. So many specialtys available, functional training, strength and conditioning, NPC Bodybuilding, figure and bikini coaching, or if you're just the average person wanting to drop a few pounds or put on muscle, we can take care of all of your needs. Contact us today!
S.H.A.P.E. offers flexible scheduling so you workout on your own terms. We have competitive packages that can fit any budget. Your sessions will be private and one on one or semi private (2-3 people) based on what you chose to do. Contact us today!
FREE CONSULTATIONS!!! We provide free consults for personal training or coaching, so that your fitness goals can be clearly defined and any medical concerns or limitations can be addressed as well. We look forward to meeting you!
Boot Camp Classes
Classes will be held at 6368 Cottage Hill Road! Contact us for details on when Boot Camp classes are being held and prices. There is 1 FREE class per month as well! Like and follow us on Facebook to keep up with the dates of our FREE bootcamps. Come check us out!
NPC Coaching
Athletes are coached by Josh Mosner. He is the CEO/Creator of Team SHAPE. Josh specializes in bikini but also coaches figure and bodybuilding as well. Posing, Nutrition, and Training is involved in coaching based on the need of that particular athlete! For a free consult with Josh about coaching and joining the team feel free to contact him here or on Facebook!